Bucket Lists: Here's How They Change Your Life

The term "the bucket list" affects people in different ways. Some people feel fear when they hear the term where others feel excitement and anticipation. It's always been known as the list of things that you plan to do before you die, and death frightens a lot of people from a lot of different backgrounds. We may not want to think about the inevitability of death, but the idea of the bucket list is so that we can tick off a list of accomplishments before the bell tolls!

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Ellie Dickinson
Dressing for Transitional Weather

It’s that awkward point of the year in the UK where it looks so sunny that it could be summer, but has the same temperature as the depths of winter – it’s somewhat confusing. But transitional weather doesn’t always mean dressing in a winter coat so thick you’ll sweat or freezing in a dress with no tights. So here are the things you should look for when considering transitional dressing.

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Ellie Dickinson
Top 10 Reasons To Visit Turkey

Turkey is emerging as one of the most popular holiday destinations. More and more people are going to the stunning country year after year. It is of a little surprise either – Turkey has so much to offer. Read on to discover ten reasons why you should go ahead and book your vacation to Turkey…

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Ellie Dickinson