Taking A Moment

With the fast pace of pretty much everything, I had forgotten how easy it is to get swept up in it all - trends, fashion, university, work and even Netflix series. It's incredibly easy to let the day drift by and not really live. Now, you're probably rolling your eyes but honestly I'm the last person to write (or believe in) anything wishy washy. So I've made a couple of resolutions (not New Years, just life.)

M A K E  T I M E

"Oh, I'm too busy (sleeping)."

"Sorry, I have plans to take cute instagram pictures."

"That interferes with my plan to sit in bed and watch Making a Murderer."

We've all said them. Yes, even you. I know I'm terrible for making excuses and often use the excuse of being an introvert when really, I shouldn't be wasting time with friends and family to watch a TV Series. 

I also live in an area with two stunning parks (one where the Secret Garden was written) and despite living here for almost two years, I've never been. I'm going to go.


Ergh. But really, even if it's just twenty squats in your room (well maybe a bit more), the endorphin rush is amazing and I always feel so amazing when I manage to fit in a gym session early morning. Plus, so much more productive.

G E T  O U T  O F  B E D

Suck it up. If you chose to go to bed at 2am, it really isn't healthy to sleep till past lunch as you'll just end up feeling groggy and will have wasted half your day.

It may kill you when that 7:30 alarm on Saturday morning goes off, but it's so much worth it. Think of all the time you'll have!

Do you ever just need to stop and take a moment?

Ellie Dickinsonlifestyle