My Experience with Microblading
Eyebrow microblading has always been something I've been aware of, but I've always associated it with the Instagram-brow look, which has never been quite my style. So I've never looked further.
Working out my brow shape & template.
But when Cara from Cosmetic Tattoo Manchester got in touch, I had a scan of her portfolio and it was far more tailored to the individual than I initially thought. After a while umming and ahhing, I bit the bullet and went for it. And I'm so glad that I did. Cara was simply wonderful and made me feel so at ease and was incredibly professional.
If you'd like to know a bit about the process, I wrote a post about my first appointment but as microblading requires two appointments, I thought I'd update you with my final 'look'.
Before & After
I'm now three weeks on and my brows have completely healed and my day to day makeup is so much easier. I love wearing as little makeup as possible and even though I had naturally full brows, I always used to use eyebrow pencil to fill in any spareness, but I don't have to anymore!
On a day to day, I just brush through some clear brow gel and I'm good to go.
I would highly recommend getting in touch with Cara if you're based in the North West - find all her details below & don't forget to follow her on instagram!