Brush Cleaning Edit

Brush cleaning is known to be the worst thing possible, particularly for beauty bloggers or anyone who wears a full face of makeup on a daily basis. Foundation brushes, beauty blenders, eyeshadow brushes, there is nothing worse than when you want to reapply makeup and there isn't a clean brush in sight. 

Not only is it frustrating to have unclean brushes but it's also unsanitary as the build up of dead skin cells and product is a fave for germs. (and it makes for a less smooth application of cream products or foundation.)

I have two ways for when I want to clean my brushes, a quick spot clean and a deep clean method for when I really want to purge them. 

For spot cleans, I use Parian Spirit which is a cult favourite amongst makeup artists as the makeup literally dissolves off the brushes and they dry instantly. Plus, it smells like oranges. It's incredible, but is definitely best for eyeshadow brushes or brushes that haven't come into contact with cream products. It's quick and easy and makes sure that you're not mixing several eye shadows together on one brush.

I deep clean my foundation and 'big' brushes weekly and then I use a brush shampoo. I use the bareEscentuals Brush Shampoo but there are several high street versions such as the Real Techniques Cleansing Gel or the No7 Brush Cleanser. And then I use this brush cleansing "egg" which is an eBay equivalent of the Sigma Cleansing Glove. I apply a bit of shampoo to the egg and then swirl my brushes on them till they're clean to the eye. I then rinse with cold water till the water runs clear. And voila! Leave them on a tea towel to dry over night and they're nice and clean!
Ellie Dickinsonbeauty, makeup