The Importance of Having Gal Pals

I think this post title deserves a round of applause if I'm honest (especially if you're a Amy Poehler fan like me).

But hey, onwards.

As a complete and utter introvert, I know how easy it is (especially at university) to lock yourself away in your room and never leave aside for food and lectures. And I know how hard it is when you're thrown into a house with people you don't know (or that aren't your family) but it's also really important to have a great group of friends.

To have people to cry on...
Which I've done more than I'd like to admit. Not for any terrible reasons but stress (university deadlines) and various changes have all been reasons and you always need someone just to cry on (including drippy mascara and snot) who honestly doesn't care.

To have a laugh...
I have several different groups of friends but going for a coffee with any of them is always a laugh. Some of our best "days out" evolved from simply a cup of coffee.

To have baking parties...
Okay, they're not exactly parties but when I was at halls, occasionally my neighbours and I would turn up at each others flats and just bake. Nothing bad can come from brownies or scones.

To get greasy chicken and chips with...
We've all done it but after a night out, the only answer is greasy chicken and chips. Trust me.

To simply be with...
I know this sounds seriously cheesy but sometimes nights in where you simply watch a movie or reality TV can be the best nights.