Skincare for Suffering Skin
I've realised that I tend to switch skincare routines depending on several factors: the season, whether I wore makeup or not and how my skin has been behaving. And it's something that has really worked as there's nothing worse than trying to apply hundreds of products to your skin simply because of a fixed routine.
But lately, due to stress and a change in routine, my skin hasn't been behaving how it used to - instead of becoming slightly more blemished and unpredictable. Where I used to be able to predict the occasional blemish at that time of the month has become far less predictable. But I've reached the point where I know what products work and that sometimes a paired down and simpler skincare routine can often have the best results. So here's what I've been loving.
Whether I've been wearing makeup or not, I love the Clinique Take The Day Off Cleansing Oil* - I apply this to damp skin and remove with a flannel. If my skin is particularly bad, I change my flannel every few days as they can get really gross! Typically, I would go for my all-time favourite Una Brennan Super Facialist Cleansing Oil but I'm trying to use up all my cleansers before buying anything new. The Clinique offering is fragrance-free and really light - and doesn't bother my eyes or leave residue on my skin. It's a good 'un.
In the morning, I keep my skincare simple and follow cleansing with the La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo as a moisturiser. Whilst this doesn't give as much moisture as I often need, it's ideal for improving the appearance of skin whilst working in tandem to reduce blemishes and resultant scarring. It contains key ingredients like Salicylic acid which improves breakouts and reduces congestion. In the evening, following cleansing, I apply the La Roche Posay Effaclar A.I Spot Treatment to any spots. I leave this on for as long as possible and make sure it's all sunk in before moving onto the next step.
Once a week, I try to use the Antipodes Divine Facial Oil which contains ingredients like Vitamin E and Rosehip so not only packs a punch with moisture but also helps improve scarring. This has a really thick, oily texture so I always make sure I'm only applying this on a night where I plan to wash my hair in the morning as it can get into your hair.
But if I'm not using the Antipodes Oil, I either apply the Effaclar Duo or The Ordinary Niacinamide + Zinc. Both Niacinamide and zinc are great for reducing redness and scarring whilst also improving congestion and breakouts so are ideal for struggling skin. I also find it leaves my skin looking really glowy in the morning - it can do no wrong. I do find that applying too much can cause it to pile on the skin so use it sparingly.
And that's all I do. Quite honestly, I find the worst thing for struggling and blemish prone skin is to overload it with products so if your skincare routine is extravagant, it may be worth reassessing. You'll also notice that I stay away from AHA and BHA products. I've found that strong acid products tend to make my breakouts hang around for longer as they strip the healing process and prevent any spots from healing. I'm very much of the belief that skincare during a spotty time should focus on healing, not stripping.
What are some of your favourite skincare items for spot prone times? Anything I need to try?
But if you'd like to know a bit more about the science of skincare, check out this really helpful guide from HealthXchange Pharmacy!