What to do in Italy


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One of the most beautiful, picture-perfect countries in the whole world has to be Italy. With a long and visible history dating back to the ancient Romans, there is lots to fall in love with in this romantic country that attracts nearly sixty million visitors each year. If you are after a city-break that will take you down cobbled streets to pizzerias or a trip to the countryside to sample Chianti in the vineyards, or maybe you want to relax on one of the many Mediterranean beaches, then Italy will soon be the love of your life. 

Dining In Italy

If you are a lover of pasta, pizza, gelato, cured meats, cheeses, and beautifully baked bread, then every meal in Italy will be the best meal of your life. Whichever town or city you visit, you will find a world-class chef that will no doubt come highly recommended. It can all be a bit overwhelming trying to decide exactly where you should eat. One tip would be to abandon the tourist restaurants and follow the locals. Often, you will find gems tucked away that may seem a little bit unassuming. But where the locals choose to dine out will be a great indication of what is good. 

Take A Tour Or Even AClass

With a country that is built around food and wine, there are countless tours based around the dining experience in Italy. Wherever you go, there will be options. From cheesemaking to vineyards, and so much more. You could even go and join a cookery class to learn to make pasta like the local professional chefs, visit Emiliadeliizia.com for some of the best options for gaining the best Italian cooking experience. 

Where To Visit

Visiting Italy you will be spoilt for choice. With some of the best-loved European cities, knowing where to go will depend on the type of thing that you want to do when you get there. If you are feeling adventurous, why not make the most of out of the trip and visit a few areas while you are in the country? 

Rome offers a great all-round experience, with a particular focus on history and architecture. Visit the Pantheon or the Colleseum which have both stood for around two thousand years. The Vatican has a lot to offer too, with St Peter’s Basilica being worthy of a visit. 

Venice is a complex system of canals and beautiful buildings. One of the most romantic experiences that you can have is being taxied down on the back of a gondola. Be sure and pick the right time of year to visit Venice as it is prone to flooding. 

Milan is the place to go if you love shopping. With lots of designer brands making their homes in Milan, it makes a visit to the city worthwhile for anyone who loves the finer things in life. The city is also home to one of the most iconic and recognizable pieces of art, ‘The Last Supper’ by Leonardo Da Vinci. 

Ellie Dickinson