An Oil for...

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If two years ago you said to me that my hair, body and beauty routine would include some sort of oil, I'd have laughed you out of the building but hey, I'm willing to apologise for the misgivings of my past self if you are.

I like oils. 

Whilst I used to think I had oily skin, I soon realised that my skin was so dry from my avoidance of any moisture that it was working overtime, hence the 'oiliness'.

First off, onto my choices for body oil. I used to be a big advocate for BioOil until I discovered this bad boy. Hand Chemistry's RetinOil (do you see that clever pun?). An oil with retinol was what instantly spiked my interest and when I read reviews that claim that it heals Keratosis Pilaris (which is like chicken skin on your arms), I was sold. I've had Keratosis Pilaris for about 8 months now and nothing has shifted it but the RetinOil. I was never particularly self conscious but hey, I'd rather my arms were rash free. The citrus smell was the icing on the cake. I love it.  

And then onto hair. Since I've moved into a far blonder balayage, my hair is far dryer so I've resorted to an oil before I blow dry my hair. It means my hair is less likely to frizz and go knotty; in short its far more manageable. The Mark Hill Miracoilous Argan Oil is quite a concentrated oil so I hardly use more than a pump before I blow dry my hair. It makes my hair smell amazing and it's far more manageable which is all I can ask for. I avoid getting this in my roots but if I have any spare on my hands, I do run my fingers through just to give it a slight gloss. A*. Love it. 

Argan oil is notorious for replenishing your hair and whilst I've not seen it yet, I'll let you know if I do!

And finally, a face oil. All you OG readers will remember my rave about the Antipodes Divine Facial Oil* and it's back in my life and I wish it had never left. It's unbelievable. I apply it at night and by morning, my skin is soft an virtually flawless. It helps reduce redness and texture so it's basically miraculous. It is very oily which is why I apply it in the evening so it has time to fully sink in and my skin is wonderfully glowy. It's perfect for opposing dry office environments so if my skin is ever parched, I sometimes mix it in with my foundation. 

Ellie Dickinsonbeauty