8 Bad Habits That Destroy Your Eyes

Vision problems affect a huge number of people every year. According to the World Health Organization, 2.2 billion people are affected by vision problems, with half of those cases being avoidable. Unfortunately, there are a lot of common habits that affect our eyesight - some of them we are fully aware of, some we do not know. And although some of the causes of vision issues are genetic or hereditary, there are certain habits that contribute to the problem. Below are nine of them and what you can do about them.

  1. Staring at your screen for too long

Have you ever heard of the 20-20-20 rule? One of the most common things you will see these days is people's heads almost hanging into their phone every corner you turn. And when in their homes or workplaces, people spend long hours looking into more screens. 

Sometimes focusing on tiny texts on your phone or staring into your computer for long hours could be the reason why your eyes are beginning to hurt very often. This habit can lead to the eyes becoming dry and even blurred vision after a while. Blinking helps to keep the eyes lubricated and so make a conscious effort to do that to avoid getting painful eyes. So, back to the 20-20-20 rule. It is pretty simple - take 20 seconds break anytime you are behind your screen for 20 minutes to stare at something else that is 20 feet away. Pretty simple, eh? Now practice it.

2. Watching television late at night

How often we love that - tucked in our beds cuddled on our sofas, lights turned off, a huge bowl of chips or popcorn, something to drink, the television on, watching our favorite movies. However, no matter how cozy it feels to watch movies in the dark, it is not beneficial to our eyesight. In fact, staring at any kind of screen in the dark for long hours can be very damaging to our eyes. This is because the light levels change very quickly and rapidly as the scenes, motions, and colors flash across the screen onto your eyes. This causes the ears to put in extra work to process all the changes as quickly as they are received. When this happens for too long, it can result in headaches, dryness of the eyes, eye strain, pain, as well as irregular sleep patterns. The same can be said about writing or reading under very dim light, as this can also lead to eye strain, pain, and discomfort. If you need to finish that movie or tv show before sleeping, then turn on a lamp to provide some illumination. 

3. Sleeping with your contacts on

Never forget to take your contacts off before slumping onto the bed. If you are in the habit of forgetting to take them off, you can set a daily reminder on your phone. This is because sleeping with the contacts still on can lead to eye infections and increase the risk of getting fungal keratitis. This can also lead to the eyes getting damaged prematurely. So pay more attention to getting the contacts off before sleeping. And never forget to wash your hands thoroughly before taking them off. Also, make sure that your contacts are well disinfected as often as prescribed. This will help to prevent infections from storage or daily use.

4. Reading While On-The-Go

Sometimes we love to keep ourselves 'distracted' during a long commute by either reading a book, a magazine in a moving car, or bus. This is a very bad idea, especially when you do it daily. One reason for this is that reading in a moving car can cause the eyes to strain to focus on the text. This is especially bad when the movement of the car is a little rough, and thus, making it very difficult for the eyes to remain focused. Reading while in a moving car can also cause motion sickness, weakness, dizziness, vomiting, and headache. If you need to read while in a moving car, then make sure that you are well-nourished and hydrated. Also, make sure that you do not consume any caffeine or alcoholic substance before you embark on your journey. 

5. Not wearing sunglasses 

Those cool-looking shades are not meant to be fashion accessories only; they also play a vital role in ensuring that your eyes are protected from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays and radiation. So, instead of squinting your eyes excessively under the sun, why don't you grab a pair of sunglasses. Plus, they come with the added benefit of making you look as cool as a cucumber, designer or not. Also, it is very important for the young ones to be protected from direct sunlight, as children are more at risk of macular degeneration caused by the sun's UV rays. And if you have issues related to light sensitivity or photophobia, sunglasses are a great way of reducing the danger of being exposed to bright lights. Visit eyeglasses.com for some of the best collections of prada sunglasses as well as prescription glasses.

6. Unhealthy lifestyle

Unhealthy lifestyle choices like smoking puts you more at risk of eye issues. Almost everyone knows about the health implications of habitual smoking. But few people are aware of the dangers of smoking to the eyesight. Habitual smoking causes harm to the eye tissues. Plus, it has also been linked to a significant number of macular degeneration in adults. Smoking has also been associated with certain eye diseases such as cataracts, loss of vision, uveitis, as well as damage to the blood vessels. Exercising and eating healthy are also not only important for gaining that eye-popping body figure, but they are also very beneficial to the eyesight. Foods rich in vitamins C, A, and E are very important in supporting better eyesight as they contain antioxidants that help to prevent macular degeneration. Salmon and flaxseed are also very beneficial as they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. And while eating healthy, don't forget to exercise regularly too.

7. Not wearing safety eyewear

Aside from the sunglasses, there are special eyewear and eye protectors designed for professionals and other activities. For example, people involved in high-risk jobs with dangers from wooden shards, metal and wood shavings, and exposure to strong chemicals, are required to put on safety goggles to protect their eyes. Also, certain sports activities such as professional swimming, hunting, and professional shooting require protective goggles. While you're at it, don't forget those regular eye tests. Unfortunately, this is one thing most people ignore until it is too late. You do not need to wait until you have a problem with your eyesight or eyes before making your way to an eye care professional. Regular eye examinations help to detect potential eye issues even before they become a problem. Eye examinations can also help to detect other illnesses.

8. Lack of regular sleep

Most people are not aware of the several health risks associated with sleep deprivation. But the first place a lack of sleep affects are the eyes. Sleep deprivation can lead to eye problems such as dry eyes, blurry vision, pain, itching, as well as twitching. If your lack of sleep is a result of workload, you need to either reduce the workload or make time for enough rest. If your smartphone or the television is keeping you up at night, turn them off. 

Every adult is supposed to have eight hours of uninterrupted sleep while every child is supposed to get at least nine hours. Not only does this improve your eyesight, but it also improves your health in general. 

Ellie Dickinson