Let's Chat Eyebrow Microblading
I've never had any sort of cosmetic anything done to my face. Not chemical peels, no lip fillers, no laser. Literally nothing. But it's not because I've never wanted it done, it's been because of time and the sheer amount of research that goes into these things. I personally believe that anything you're going to do to your face, especially if it involves a blade or needle, needs to be researched properly. But then I had my brows microbladed.
I was invited to have my eyebrows microbladed in Manchester by Cosmetic Tattoo Manchester which is based inside the Sports Direct Gym on King Street in town. And when I first saw the email, I was apprehensive. Because semi-permanent or not - microblading lasts up to 12 months - so if there was a mistake, I would have to live with it. But I did my research, and was more than happy with all the results so went along. And here's how it went.
What's the deal with microblading?
So microblading is an eyebrow tattoo of sorts where using a blade, individual hair tattoos are tattooed on your eyebrow to either fill it out, add to the shape or add hair where there isn't any. It's ideal for anyone with sparse eyebrows or lazy people like me who would rather not wear much makeup!
How long did it take?
The longest part was the measuring out. Because of how long it lasts, Cara, the aesthetician, spent almost an hour measuring my brows and drawing on a template to ensure that they were as perfect as possible. She kept letting me check my shape so that I was happy with it before the blade touched skin.
The actual tattooing process took between an hour and a half to two hours, because Cara was explaining the whole process!
Following the first tattooing appointment, a top up is required 28 days later (as your skin heals initially, it loses the pigment), but that's much quicker as your brows have already been done once! (Second blog post to come soon on the final result and the second appointment!) In the 28 days, your brows are able to heal so take to the pigment much better in the second session.
Did it hurt?
Cara applied numbing cream and I would highly suggest it if you're given the option. It doesn't hurt at all, it literally feels like a scratch but obviously, towards the end of the session, my skin did feel tender. It was a similar feeling to sunburn. It hurt far less than getting my eyebrows threaded.
How does it work?
After the whole measuring process, Cara applied the pigment to my brows and then once applied, used a microblading tool to make the eyebrow hairs. Then that's it. Lie still and wait for it to be done!
Before (top) & After (directly after)
My brows looked amazing directly after! Because I have quite full brows naturally, it was mainly filling them in and a bit more added at the front. They looked incredibly natural and incredibly neat as if I had just had them tinted. The day after they were a bit darker and slightly swollen, but none of my friends noticed and as the day went on, they looked far more natural.
Please note, eyebrow microblading is a two-stage process. Because of the initial blading, your brows tend to lose most of the pigment, hence the second session. But because of how your brows get used to it, the second session makes them last (and is far quicker).
If you're unsure as to any changes you might want - I'd recommend trusting the Aesthetician for the first session and anything you want added, you can have done during the second session, whether that be making them darker or adding to the shape.
The overall experience was absolutely wonderful - I felt calm and Cara was so gentle and thorough, I knew that I was in good hands! I'd highly recommend booking in with her and watch this space for the final product after my second session!
Please note that whilst I was invited for microblading free of charge, all opinions are my own and are as always, completely honest.